Gardenia Jasminoides (Gardenia) 梔子(クチナシ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the fruits of gardenia jasminoides or more commonly known as gardenia at Saigyo Inari Sha shrine in Tokyo. The shrine is so small that it's been in the premises of Akasaka Hikawa Jinja shrine in Tokyo since 1921 when it was transferred from the original place in the neighborhood.  

I first thought that they were small persimmons like diospyros rhombifolia (princess persimmon) or diospyros cathayensis Steward (cathay persimmon) I saw at Koishikawa Botanical Garden, but they don't hang on the tree like these persimmons but grow out of the stems. I googled and learned that they were gardenia. 

The plant is called "kuchi nashi," meaning "fruits with no mouth" because they don't crack. I've also learned they produce beautiful white flowers in June and July, which has added this small shrine to my bucket list of places to go next year!  

Gardenia クチナシ

Gardenia jasminoides 梔子

A gardenia tree by torii gate of Saigyo Inari Sha shrine 西行稲荷社鳥居横の梔子の木

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