Jurojin - God of Longevity 寿老人!


The stoneware and the dish are both on show at Tokyo National Museum and about Jurojin. Jurojin is the god of the elderly and longevity in Japanese Buddhist mythology based on a real person who lived in ancient times and is said to be six feet tall with a very long head and a long white beard (as you can see in both!). 

It's been a while since I last saw see Jurojin. His funny face always makes me smile and feel happy. Jurojin is one of the seven lucky gods in Japan. If you're interested in these gods, read "Japan is Diverse! - An Analysis from Seven Lucky Gods Perspective."

Juro, God of Longevity  色絵寿老置物

Dish with painting of Shoulau, God of Longevity

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