Location and Direction 帰国子女と留学生

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

We, the Japanese, often ask English-speaking Japanese if they are "returnees" or have studied abroad. "Returnees" are those who lived overseas when they were kids because of their parent's business (like working at foreign branches), went to local schools and that is why fluently speak English (or other language). On the other hand, those who have studied abroad (ex-foreign students) were born and grew in Japan and decided to study in another country (the US in most cases) themselves when they were high school or college students. Can you see something in common and a difference between these two?

The answers are "location" and "direction." Both are here in Japan, but they are heading in different directions, i.e., returnees heading inward while ex-foreign students outward. Many friends of mine are returnees or ex-foreign students (all females), but most returnees are married to Japanese men while ex-foreign students non-Japanese. In other words, returnees have found their places inside Japan while ex-foreign students outside. Let me explain more specifically using an example....

A friend of mine fell in love with a Japanese guy before graduating from a college. She had studied in the US when she was a high school student. A few years later she broke up with him, went to the US again to get an MBA, met her future husband, who is French, there, and got married. She has been living in the US/France since then. On the other hand, her ex-boyfriend got married to another Japanese woman, who had lived abroad during her childhood because of her father's business. They have lived in Japan since marriage.

She must have felt something wrong with him that he liked "international" women, but not her, i.e., an ex-foreign student, who wants to find a place outside of Japan, but a returnee, who wants to settle in Japan. I believe that for marriage, direction matters more than location because even if you are with someone, it doesn't mean that you are sharing the future with him...





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