Which Side Should We Stand on Escalator, Left or Right? エスカレーターは右派、左派?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I have been to Kyoto and Nara twice a year for the last ten years and always wonder why in these prefectures (i.e., western Japan) people stand on the right side of an escalator while those in Tokyo on the left. I made research. First, look at this picture taken in Shibuya, Tokyo.


This picture below was taken in Osaka, one of the prefectures in western Japan.


You can see the difference clearly, can't you? One possible answer (Japanese only) for the difference is that Tokyo is based on the culture of samurai, who don't want others to stand on their left side because they carry katana (i.e., Japanese swords) on their left side while Osaka's culture is based on merchants. However, I find it a little strange. Escalators were invented long after samurai disappeared.

Another explanation (Japanese only) is that Osaka started to announce in 1967 that the left side should be left open for someone in a hurry when Hankyu Railway moved a long escalator at the Umeda station.

But I also found an article stating that in London the right side is for standing and the left side for someone who wants to walk, while in Australia people walk on the right side of an escalator. (The reason is unknown.)

So, there are neither a global rule nor a convincing reason for the difference between eastern (e.g., Tokyo) and western (e.g., Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka) parts in such a small country..... But I'm telling you that in Tokyo you should stand on the left side especially during commuting hours because if not, you would be stared at by others like you were a criminal.









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