What's "Rogue Eggplant"? - Radical Weed! 悪いナスビ? 

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This small white flower is called "rogue eggplant" in Japanese. So, what's "rogue eggplant" in English?

"Rogue eggplant" in Japanese

Radical weed looks so innocent but is toxic

White and purple flowers 白と紫の花がある

The answer is....... "radical weed," "apple of Sodom," "devil's tomato"! These pretty white and pale purple flowers looking like angels are actually ROGUES globally!😱

But there is a reason for that. According to Wikipedia, "The fruits resemble tomatoes.... However, all parts of the plant, including its tomato-like fruit, are poisonous to varying degrees due to the presence of solanine glycoalkaloids which is a toxic alkaloid....." Wow, again. We shouldn't be fooled by appearances... 

The plant is named "rogue eggplant" in Japanese after the fact that the flower resembles eggplant's flower. 

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ワルナスビです。ひどい名前だけど仕方ない。。。 だって実がプチトマトに似てるのに有毒。しかも海外でも札付きで「過激な雑草(Radical weed)」、「ソドムのリンゴ(apple of Sodom)」、「悪魔のトマト(devil's tomato)」などと呼ばれてます😱!

こんなに可愛いのにそんなに怖いの~! 人も花もホント見かけによりません。

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