Shaggy Soldier (Galinsoga Quadriradiata) ハキダメギク(掃溜菊)


I thought at first they were something remaining after flowers fell off but something bothered me. They're not just the remaining but some small flowers, are they? I did research and learned that they're shaggy soldiers (Galinsoga quadriradiata). They'are so cute and adorable. So, its Japanese name surprised me. 

Its Japanese name is "hakidame giku," which means "rubbish heap chrysanthemum"!! The plant was named so by Dr. Tomitaro Makino, a late Japanese botanist, because he found it in a rubbish heap. I respect and admire him but can't approve of his taste in naming plants. The shaggy soldier is definitely one such example and another is speedwell.



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ハキダメギク(掃溜菊)です。と書きながらも、牧野先生に一言申したい気持ちがふつふつと湧き上がります。掃きだめで見つけたからって「ハキダメギク」はないでしょ。フグリファミリー(オオイヌノフグリ、タチイヌノフグリ、イヌノフグリ)のときと同じぐらい怒ってます。先生!聞いてますか?ちなみに英語名は shaggy soldier(毛深い兵士)。こっちの方がセンス良くありませんか? 

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