Japan Is Not Cool! 日本はクールではありません

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan launched Cool Japan Fund in November 2013 to market Japanese products and services overseas, but it was reported that their projects of JPY31 billion (USD277 million) had incurred losses of JPY4.5 billion (USD40 million) as of March 2017. One of such projects is ISETAN the Japan Store in Malaysia, i.e., a joint venture with Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings, a Japanese department store giant, because of unrealistic price setting compared to local goods prices. This often happens to local development projects, like the estimated number of visitors to a facility being overestimated. It's not cool at all is it?

Also, there are still many company employees wearing a suit and even tie based on the "sontaku" spirit, i.e., the pre-emptive placatory following of an order that has not been given. In this case, they try to placate customers. But the weather in Japan is no longer temperate, but tropical! The temperature is 33 degrees Celsius in Tokyo (as of 16:00, July 4, 2018) and nearly 40 degrees in some other places. Japan has been burning for the last month even though it's still July. What's going on? I don't know, but can at least say that Japan is not cool at all.



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Grasshopper (Atractomorpha) オンブバッタ(負飛蝗)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 These are grasshoppers. Simple and clear. The issue is, however, their relationship. For example, a man passing by me taking ...