Hi! I'm Kei Narujima. This is a blog about flowers/plants🌼and bugs🐛, and sometimes art and unique Japanese culture that make you smile or think (or so I hope)!! こんにちは。花や虫、そして時々日本の文化などについて書いてます😊。税務英語については https://zeimueigo.blogspot.com/ をご覧ください。
Wax-Leaf Privet (Ligustrum Japonicum) ネズミモチ(鼠糯)
Hong Kong Kumquat (Fortunella Hindsii Swingle) マメキンカン(豆金柑)
This is a bonsai tree made from Hong Kong kumquat (Fortunella hindsii Swingle) and a moss ball. I'm Japanese but have never grown a bonsai tree and never thought I would. Someone gave it to me and suddenly the responsibility to grow this bonsai has fallen on me. One of my New Year resolutions will be to keep it from drying out!
Hassaku Orange ハッサク(八朔)
I found Chinese quince fruits scattered on the ground, brought two back home and made jam from them ten days ago. My next target now is these hassaku oranges.
Autumn or Winter Leaves 冬の紅葉
Autumn is over in Japan and so autumn leaves are over but there are still red leaves here and there. Autumn (or winter) leaves are beautiful but more beautiful against the blue sky.
White Camellia Sasanqua (Sasanqua Camellia) 白いサザンカ(山茶花)
Camellia sasanquas can be seen in many places in Tokyo, but I rarely see trees with so many, so pure white, double flowered sasanquas. I feel I see more sasanqua blooms (whether white or red) this year than usual. This year may be a good year for camellia sasanquas.
Aloe アロエ
I found the buds in November and have been observing them since then and now I know what aloe flowers are like. These are flowers of aloes more specifically candelabra aloe (Aloe arborescens). I didn't know the aloe produces flowers or has two types, i.e., the Aloe arborescens and the Aloe vera. I can tell those in these photos are the former because the flowers are red. The Aloe vera produces yellow flowers.
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False Holly (Osmanthus Heterophyllus) ヒイラギ(柊)
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Pink Camellia Sasanqua (Sasanqua Camellia) ピンクの山茶花(サザンカ)
Camellia, camellia, camellia! It’s my first time to see such big camellia sasanqua trees (4th photo) and my second time to see a camellia sasanqua tree having so many flowers! As you may know, the flowers of the sasanqua camellia and those of the Japanese camellia resemble each other but they're different in several ways, one of which is how a flower dies. A sasanqua flower dies with petals falling off one by one while a Japanese camellia flower falls off in its entirety.
Chinese Quince (Pseudocydonia Sinensis) カリン(花梨)
I found these Chinese quince fruits (2nd photo) on the ground while on an early morning walk, took them home, and made jam! It sounds so simple but it wasn't because I had to go through certain "procedures" to make the jam!
East Asian Eurya (Eurya Japonica) 姫榊(ヒサカキ)
Maple Leaves in Autumn もみじの紅葉
Some leaves are still green but that makes the perfect color contrast between gradients from green to yellow, orange and red, and the clear blue sky.
Burning Bush (Euonymus Alatus) ニシキギ(錦木)
The deep bright red color caught my eye. They're burning bush (Euonymus alatus). As the name suggests, the leaves look really "burning." The burning bush is called "nishiki gi" in Japanese, which means "brocade tree," after such beautiful red color of the leaves like brocade in autumn. The season of autumn leaves in Tokyo is nearing the end with still remaining leaves on a few trees like this.
Autumn Leaves - Their Way of Turning Red 紅葉してますけどそれが何か?
I was doing jump rope and squats in a small park nearby this morning as usual, turned around, saw this, and murmured, "What the hell?," and then burst out laughing! Autumn leaves usually make me say "Wow" with their magnificent color gradients, but this vine of leaves caught my eye with not the bright red color but their way of being! Every leaf has their own way of turning red.
Chrysanthemum キク(菊)
I found these chrysanthemums at a bus stop. There were only two but their bright contrast between the red ray florets and the yellow disk florets caught my eye.
You may wonder how chrysanthemums, such beautiful flowers, are related to a crime novel. That's because they play a key role in "The Inugami Clan" as one of the three sacred treasures for the clan, i.e., a golden chrysanthemum, a golden axe, and a golden koto or Japanese harp made by Sahee Inugami, the super-rich head of the family. These golden treasures were proof of heirship, and you can easily guess, the family members are killed one after another over this heirship and the head of a victim is replaced with the head of a chrysanthemum doll... AHHH😱
I read almost all the books by Seishi Yokomizo when I was a kid. (I was a bit different from other kids.) Yokomizo respected Ellery Queen and Agatha Christie, but liked John Dickson Carr the most. If you like reading crime books, you can guess what Yokomizo's stories are like.
Chrysanthemums are pretty, colorful flowers, having nothing to do with bloody murders. Maybe it's time for me to change this terrible perception of chrysanthemums.
Large Pyracantha (Firethorn) Tree 大きな常盤山査子(ピラカンサ)の木
The area where the firethorn in the 4th to 6th photos grew was redeveloped, and the tree was removed.
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Toad Lily (Tricyrtis Formosana) タイワンホトトギス(台湾杜鵑草)
I didn't expect to see toad lilies (Tricyrtis formosana) in December. The plant is named after spots on a toad's skin and its preference of shady, moist places like toads. In Japan, however, the toad lily is called "lesser cuckoo" also after its spots, which, to Japanese people, look like the chest plumage of the bird. Perception varies.
Winter/October Cherry (Cerasus Subhirtella) フユザクラ(冬桜)
If you're in Japan at this time of year and want to see cherry blossoms, go to Ginza! These are cherry blossoms that bloom as the name suggests in winter or from October to December (Cerasus subhirtella) and that's why they're called "winter cherry" or "October cherry" blossoms.
Some of those passing by the tree said that the cherry tree was stupid, blooming out of season. I said in my mind "It's you who are stupid😝."
Japanese Camellia 'Bokuhan-Nishiki' (Camellia Japonica 'Bokuhan-Nishiki') (ボクハンツバキ)卜伴椿
英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've seen red , white , and pink Japanese camellias. I've seen single, double , and thousand-flowered Japanese came...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I read "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro a few years ago. The book was my second...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I was so lucky! I found these mushrooms during a morning walk. What am I going to make for dinner? ...