Two Pink Plum Blossoms on a White Plum Tree 源平咲きの梅

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a Japanese plum tree (Prunus mume) with a few pink flowers. I said a few because the rest are all white. Scientifically, there's no white plum tree. Red plum trees have white flowers when they cannot produce enough anthocyanins to make flowers red (or pink). I remember this tree having more pink flowers last year, so I've been waiting for it to bloom but this year, the tree seems to have been able to produce enough anthocyanins to have only a couple of pink flowers...

Pink plum blossoms are gorgeous but these pink ones among white blossoms are not that bad, are they? 
White and pink plum blossoms on a tree 源平咲きの梅

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Grasshopper (Atractomorpha) オンブバッタ(負飛蝗)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 These are grasshoppers. Simple and clear. The issue is, however, their relationship. For example, a man passing by me taking ...