Camellia Sasanqua and Omikuji


This is not a post about a white double flowered camellia sasanqua but pieces of paper tied to the tree. They're omikuji or Japanese fortune telling paper slips. You can buy one (2nd photo) in almost every shrine and temple to learn if you have good or bad luck in the year, for example, as follows:
  1. Very lucky (大吉; dai kichi)
  2. Lucky (吉; kichi)
  3. A little lucky (小吉; shō kichi)
  4. Good luck in future (末吉; sue kichi)
  5. Bad luck (凶; kyō)
Each omikuji also tells you about the fortune about specific matters including the following:  
  • Wish
  • Person waited for
  • Lost item
  • Travel
  • Business
  • Study
  • Investment
  • Dispute
  • (Romantic) relationship
  • Move
  • Childbirth
  • Illness
  • Marriage

The slip I drew says that I will have good luck in future, i.e., sue kichi, which is not so good but that's okay because the "wish" section says that although taking a bit of time, my wish will come true.

Even if you draw an omikuji saying bad luck, don't worry because you can keep the bad luck within the premises of the shrine or temple by tying the slip to a designated area (e.g., a tree). If the slip says you're (very/a little) lucky, however, you can keep it in your purse or bag to keep the luck with you or tie it to the designated area so that the fortune has a greater effect. 

By the way, I'm atheist. 

Omikuji or Japanese fortune telling paper for 2025

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きれいな白の八重咲きサザンカですが、本題はそこではありません。おみくじです。引いてみたのです。なんと末吉。。。 ちょっとがっかりしたのですが、末吉って「今は吉じゃないけどこれからよくなるよ」という意味だそうです。まあ、よしとしましょう。しかも「願望 すこし時がかかるが叶う」とあったので大満足。


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