Japanese Jasmine (Jasminum Mesnyi) オウバイモドキ/ウンナンオウバイ(黄梅擬/雲南黄梅)


It wasn't until last Sunday that I noticed these blooms. They're Japanese jasmine (Jasminum mesnyi). It was raining in Tokyo that day and that's why the two flowers in the first photo were wet and partially frozen, looking like artificial flowers. Although one of its common English names is Japanese jasmine, it's native to Vietnam and southern China and so the plant's called "Yunnan yellow apricot" in Japanese.



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毎日歩いているところなのに、おととい初めて気付き始めました。ウンナンオウバイです。日曜は東京でも雨が降ったせいか、花は濡れており、かつ、一部凍っていて造花のようです(1枚目)。雲南省原産ということで雲南黄梅という名が付いていますが、英語名は Japanese jasmine。不思議です。

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