Winter Aconite (Eranthis Pinnatifida)? セツブンソウ(節分草)?


I've done research for the last week to identify these flowers but in vain and now have come to think they may be winter aconites (Eranthis pinnatifida) (although I'm still not certain). The winter aconite is called "setsubun sou" in Japanese, meaning "setsubun plant" after its flowering around the setsubun day or February 3, i.e., the date before the beginning of spring on the lunisolar calendar. 

Winter aconite means "grace," "brilliance," "smile" and "I dislike people." I don't understand what the last one means. 



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この1週間調べたのですがはっきりしません。でも多分セツブンソウ(節分草)のような気が。。。 節分の頃見かけたし。。。 花言葉は、気品、光輝、微笑み、人間嫌いだそうです。「人間嫌い」だけ意味が分かりません。

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