Deep Purple Magnolia Symbolizes Perseverance 紫木蓮の花言葉は「忍耐」

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan has not issued a state of emergency yet but strongly requested people to stay at home unless essential. It's time to be resourceful, so I went through my photo archive and found these pictures.

Deep purple magnolia before blooming

Deep purple magnolia about to bloom

I have passed by this tree countless times, but hadn't noticed at all that the tree flowered. If I had to say something good about the coronavirus, it would be that the virus makes me more observant and cherish more what I have.

In the language of flowers, magnolia means "love of nature," "nobility," "perseverance" and "dignity."

In the Japanese language of flowers, it symbolizes "love of nature," "nobility" and "persistence."

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