Homemade Candied Pomelo Peel パール柑のピール作りました

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The strips of candied pomelo peel I've just made are now sunbathing to be sprinkled with sugar and eaten by a hungry ogre in my house....👾

Candied pomelo peel パール柑のピール

Before being sprinkled with sugar 砂糖まぶす前

I made pomelo and hassaku orange marmalade about two weeks ago. That was the second time I, a quick learner😁, made it, so the marmalade was much brighter and tastier, i.e., sweet combined with slight bitterness and sourness, than the first one!

But the hungry ogre murmured, "I wanna eat peel, too..." What??!!😤 But I never run away from challenges, and I made it! Looking forward to seeing the ogre's face this evening😁

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