Yellow Freesia フリージア

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Two freesias stuck out from cymbalaria muralis or ivy-leaved toadflax flowers. The contrast between the yellow freesias and the purple toadflax against the toadflax's deep green leaves caught my eye.

Freesia フリージア

Surrounded by ivy-leaved toadflax 蔦葉海蘭に囲まれて

I took these photos early April, and found out that the purple plant was ivy-leaved toadflax and wrote about it right away, but not the freesias. I couldn't find oud what they were not only then but in the following month... 

But finally, I made it! As a result, my inventory of unidentified flowers has been reduced by one to one. The last remaining photo is of an orange flower, which I've been googling for more than two months in vain...😅

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Grasshopper (Atractomorpha) オンブバッタ(負飛蝗)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 These are grasshoppers. Simple and clear. The issue is, however, their relationship. For example, a man passing by me taking ...