A Horsefly on Fish Mint (Houttuynia Cordata) ドクダミとアブ


I know fish mint (Houttuynia cordata) is invasive and smelly but the plant's color contrast always attracts me and its pollen attracts bugs. The pollen must be delicious. The horsefly was going around the green flower many times. 

A horsefly on fish mint (Houttuynia cordata) ドクダミとアブ

Tokyo Skytree against Sky at Night 夜の東京スカイツリー


I took this photo to keep a memory of such a beautiful view. The night view included various colors. 

Tokyo Skytree against sky at night 夜の東京スカイツリー

Bladder Campion (Silene Vulgaris) シラタマソウ(白玉草)


I love their chubbiness. These are bladder campion (Silene vulgaris) flowers. I've photographed them several times but I noticed for the first time that their anthers were beautiful pale yellow green. 

Bladder campion (Silene vulgaris) シラタマソウ(白玉草)

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Love-In-A-Mist (Nigella Damascena) ニゲラ(黒種草)


I don't why, but hairy things like these, i.e., love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena), always attract me. Most of the flowers in my neighborhood are blue but some (2nd photo) are white. 

Love-In-A-Mist (Nigella Damascena) ニゲラ(黒種草)

Small Venus' Looking-Glass (Triodanis Biflora) ヒナキキョウソウ(雛桔梗草)


These are small Venus' looking-glass (Triodanis biflora). I love such small flowers. One thing about them, however, is that the small Venus' looking-glass is usually closed or half open while I take a walk in the early morning (like in the 1st and 2nd photos). 

Small Venus' looking-glass (Triodanis biflora) ヒナキキョウソウ(雛桔梗草)

Blue Passionflower (Passiflora Caerulea) 時計草(トケイソウ)


I thought someone had said "It's eight five and seventeen seconds." These are blue passionflowers (Passiflora caerulea) and their Japanese name is "clock plant" after the appearance. 

Blue passionflower (Passiflora caerulea) 時計草(トケイソウ)

Small-Leaf Spiderwort (Tradescantia Fluminensis) 常盤露草(トキワツユクサ)


The beautiful contrast between the white flowers and the deep green leaves caught my eye. They're  small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis). Oops, I forgot to say something. The six yellow anthers also play an important role, making the color contrast more visible. 

Small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis) 常盤露草(トキワツユクサ)

Flowers of Camphor Tree (Camphora Officinarum) 楠(クスノキ)


These are flowers of a camphor tree (Camphora officinarum). It was a nice surprise to know that such a large tree produces such lovely tiny flowers.  

Camphor tree (Camphora officinarum) flowers 楠(クスノキ)の花

Tree Peony (Chinese Peony, Paeonia Lactiflora) シャクヤク(芍薬)


These are tree peonies (Chinese peonies [Paeonia lactiflora]). I sometimes went to the Ueno Toshogu Peony Garden and enjoyed more than 20 types of beautiful peonies there. In Japan, however, the peonies in these pictures (Paeonia lactiflora) are completely different flowers from the peonies in the garden (Moutan peonies or Paeonia x suffruticosa), which can be seen in the following Japanese saying describing a beautiful woman:  

She stands beautifully like a tree peony (Paeonia lactiflora).
She sits beautifully like a Moutan peony (Paeonia x suffruticosa).
She walks beautifully like a lily.

I want to be such a beautiful woman someday...

Tree peony (Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora) シャクヤク(芍薬)

A Larva of Asian Lady Beetle on Hydrangea ナミテントウ(並天道)の幼虫とガクアジサイ


This post is not about hydrangeas but a larva of Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis). I found it while checking up on hydrangeas in my neighborhood. The larva looks like a pest but is actually a beneficial insect voraciously eating aphids.

A larva of Asian lady beetle ナミテントウ(並天道)の幼虫

Chinaberry (Melia Azedarach) センダン(栴檀)


These are Chinaberry flowers (Melia azedarach). The flowers look white from a distance, but they actually are pale purple, which creates a beautiful contrast with the green leaves.

Chinaberry (Melia azedarach) センダン(栴檀)

A Horsefly on Fish Mint (Houttuynia Cordata) ドクダミとアブ

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I know fish mint (Houttuynia cordata) is invasive and smelly but the plant's color contrast always attracts me and its po...