Shepherd's Purse (Capsella Bursa-Pastoris) ナズナ(ペンペングサ)


I heard the voice saying "I'm ready to take off!" I turned around and found a bug on a flower of shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)! The weather in Japan has been unusual, warm in February while being cold in March and windy on many days in these months. Such weather has delayed the beginning of the cherry blossom season across Japan and this is the first bug resting on a plant I've seen in several months. Spring has finally arrived!  

Shepherd's purse is so tiny and looks so fragile but eats bugs😨. 

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) ナズナ(ペンペングサ)

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朝ウォーキングしてたらどこかから「離陸準備完了!」という声が。。。 慌てて見回したら、ぺんぺん草の花の上にちっちゃい虫君を発見!この春は異常に暖かかったり寒かったり、風が強かったりで、虫を見ることがなかったので感動しました。やっと春です。


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