Red & White Marble Colored Flowering Peach 源平枝垂れ花桃(ゲンペイシダレハナモモ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is prunus persica in Tokyo National Museum. The branches weep down to the ground and the flowers are red and white marble colored😲! 

Red & white marble weeping prunus persica 源平枝垂れ桃

Red & white marble colored 赤白模様

Main building of Tokyo National Museum as the background

The branches weep down to the ground 枝垂れ

Flowering peach ハナモモ

Weeping! 枝垂れ!

From a distance at first I thought this was a toy or something. But the closer I was to the tree, the clearer it became it's a real tree with red, white and red & white marble colored flowers! I once saw a Japanese apricot tree with a flower with the right half pink and the left white, but it was the first time to see a tree with such marble colored flowers.     

In Japan, having red/pink and white flowers on a tree is called "Gen Pei" flowering because "Gen" or the "Gen clan" used white flags while the "Pei" or "Hei (which is pronounced 'Pei' after Gen) clan" using red flags in a civil war (1180-1185). The Gen clan and the Hei (Pei) clan are both samurai, two of the four most important clans that dominated Japanese politics during the Heian Period (794-1185) of Japanese history.

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