Prunus Campanulata (Taiwan cherry) 寒緋桜(カンヒザクラ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan's spring comes with cherry blossoms. This is one such blossom, prunus campanulata, or more commonly Taiwan cherry, Formosan cherry or bellflower cherry, the first cherry blossom I've seen this year.

 Prunus campanulata 寒緋桜

Commonly Taiwan cherry, Formosan cherry, or bellflower cherry カンヒザクラ

Downward facing 下向きに咲く

They are like little bells! 鈴みたい!

I'd assumed that they were Japanese apricot trees because of the color, so yesterday when going by them, I was surprised that they were all facing downward!! I googled at home and learned that they were Taiwan cherry trees and that the term "campanulata" meant "as 'campanula'," meaning "as a 'little bell'" in Latin. Yes, these cherry flowers are "campanulata."

My neighborhood has several types of cherry trees, not only Taiwan cherry, but also cerasus subhirtella (Miq.) and prunus x yedoensis. I look forward to seeing all these blossoms!!

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