Pomelo Marmalade is Sweet! 天草文旦(パール柑)マーマレードは甘~い!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis marmalade, or more commonly pomelo marmalade♬

Pomelo marmalade 天草文旦(パール柑)マーマレード

Removing the peel too much and using brown sugar made it brownish

I made it because I'd seen a photo of marmalade a friend of mine had made, which looked so beautiful and yummy!! I bought two pomelos immediately, removing the peel (to eat the flesh😁) and simmering the peel in water with sugar and honey. 

My marmalade turned a little brownish because I'd removed the peel too much and used brown sugar rather than white sugar. Also, it naturally has almost no sourness because I'd used pomelos. But this homemade marmalade is so sweet and tasty!!   

I've already had some of it on toast, and will definitely have it on rye bread this weekend!! 

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天草文旦(パール柑)のマーマレードです。先日インスタで友人があげていたマーマレードの写真に感化され、早速パール柑を購入して作りました。皮を厚く剥きすぎてしまい、かつ、三温糖を使ったせいか色は今一つ。。。 でもパール柑で作ったのでとっても甘~い!トーストに合います。週末は黒パンにのっけて食べますよ!

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