Papaver Dubium (Long-Headed Poppy) 長実雛芥子(ナガミヒナゲシ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is papaver dubium, also known by the common names long-headed poppy and blindeyes.

Papaver dubium 長実雛芥子

Long-headed poppy ナガミヒナゲシ

I saw this tiny orange flower last year, too, and learned that although they are pretty, several local governments in Japan had designated this poppy as an invasive plant that can transform ecosystems. A solo long-headed poppy looks pretty and innocent, but a group of the poppies is a menace to neighbors. This may be true of people....

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長実雛芥子(ナガミヒナゲシ)です。去年初めて見てかわいいなと思ったのですが繁殖力が強く、複数の県で「要注意」指定されていることを知りました。一本だったらカワイイのにね。。。 人も一緒かしら。。。

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