Cercis Chinensis (Chinese Redbud) 花蘇芳(ハナズオウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is cercis chinensis or commonly Chinese redbud. Its bright pink is as pretty as Taiwan cherryYoko cherry blossoms, and flowering peach!! 

Cercis chinensis 花蘇芳

Chinese redbud ハナズオウ

Chinese redbud ハナズオウ

In full bloom 満開

Brighter than cherry blossom pink 桜より明るいピンク

From middle to late March, all the attention in Japan is on cherry blossoms, and people forget about the presence of other flowers. But the densely clustered, tiny, magenta Chinese redbud flowers, completely different from cherry blossoms in the color and shape, caught my eye!

Over the couple of weeks, China has drawn attention in Japan for the clash with the U.S. in their first high-level talks since Biden took office and for the suspicion of access to Line Corporation's user personal data. 

I strongly oppose China's human rights breaches against Uyghur people and increased pressure on the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, but seeing flowers native to China beautifully in bloom, like this Chinese redbud, always makes me think of what China means to Japan and what kind of relationship Japan needs to build with this superpower in Asia. 

Early March - still buds 3月上旬はまだ蕾

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ハナズオウは中国原産。英語名も「Chinere redbud」です。日本にある花ってほとんど中国原産(当たり前?)。でも最近のニュース(ウィグル自治区の人権問題、香港民主化デモ、米中会談や Line 個人情報への中国企業アクセス疑惑)を見ていると、近くて遠い国のような気がして複雑な気持ちになります。。。

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