Yoko Cherry is Now In Full Bloom! 陽光桜は満開!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This MAY BE prunus campanulata 'Yoko' or Yoko cherry, i.e., a hybrid between cerasus x yedoensis 'Amagi-yoshino' and Taiwan cherry (prunus campanulata). The baby pink is so pretty! I said "may be" because I couldn't find a tree tag...(unlike the Yoko cherry trees I saw several days ago, which have a tag.)  

"Maybe" prunus campanulata 'Yoko' 多分、陽光桜

The buds are pink pink!! 蕾のピンクは濃い

They are almost in full bloom ほぼ満開

Most flowers are downward facing 下向きに咲く

Even the buds are downward facing 蕾も下向き

The pretty baby pink! ベビーピンクがきれい!

The colors of cherry blossoms vary, impressing me differently. These pink cherry blossoms make me upbeat while white or pale pink ones, such as Yoshino cherry blossoms, remind me of the ephemerality of almost everything around us and that I need to live life to the fullest.

The Japan Meteorological Agency announced on March 14 that the cherry blossom season, i.e., the blooming of Yoshino cherry, has just started. Yoshino cherry will be in full bloom in a week or so. Until then, I am going to appreciate these happy pink cherry blossoms!!

To see Oshima cherry (prunus speciosa) blossoms (white), click HERE!!
To see Taiwan cherry (prunus campanulata) blossoms (pink), click HERE!
You can also see other photos of Yoko cherry blossoms in this post, too!

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