PINK Prunus Speciosa (Oshima Cherry) is in Full Bloom ピンクの大島桜

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I always wondered what this cherry tree with so many pink and white blossoms surrounded by white Oshima cherry flowers is. Now I know the answer. The tree is also Oshima cherry. I didn't know that Oshima cherry can bloom pink flowers. How stupid of me!

Pink prunus speciosa ピンクの大島桜

Pink prunus speciosa surrounded by white ones 白の大島桜と並んでいる

Pink and white blossoms side by side 白とピンクの花が両方咲いている

A pink gradient ピンクのグラデーション

Pink petals with red center ピンクの花びらと赤い花芯

Oshima cherry in full bloom! 満開のオオシマザクラ

So pretty! 

Oshima cherry (prunus speciosa) blossoms are generally white (click the link to compare the color!), but some are tinged with pink due to the presence of anthocyanins. Exposure to cold temperature may make the pink color deeper🌸 A pink gradient is so beautiful!

The leaves are used to make "sakura mochi," i.e., red bean paste sweet rice cake in a salted cherry leaf!! So, Oshima cherry is pretty and useful, but not only that. It's also hardy, so it has many children. including Yoshino cherry😁

I've listed the cherry blossoms I've enjoyed this year so far and will enjoy in a week or so. If you're interested in them, click the link!

Oshima cherry

Oshima cherry

Oshima cherry

Oshima cherry

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