Red & White Prunus Persica Batch (Flowering Peach) 照手白と照手赤

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They are RED & WHITE prunus persica Batch or commonly flowering peach. The multi-petaled flowers are so gorgeous! 

White prunus persica Batch 照手白

Red prunus persica Batch 照手赤

Multi-petaled 八重咲き

Multi-petaled 八重咲き

Without the tree tag, I would have thought that they were cherry trees because the red color is very similar to that of Taiwan cherry. I've found only the red and white flowers but prunus persica can have flowers in pink, too😊! Flowering peach is a cultivar of peach for ornamental purposes, which explains why these multi-petaled flowers are so gorgeous. 

Multi-petaled 八重咲き

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照手白と照手赤です。赤の方、色が寒緋桜に似てるので、桜かと思ってしまいました。樹名札がなければ危うく勘違いすることでした。観賞用に改良された花だとのこと。ゴージャスなのもうなずけます。。。 ちなみに「照手桃」もあるそうです😊

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