Ipheion Uniflorum (Springstar) 花韮(ハナニラ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is ipheion uniflorum or more commonly springstar or spring starflower by construction fences.

Ipheion uniflorum 花韮

Springstar or spring starflower ハナニラ
The pale blue color is pretty 薄青色がきれい

White springstar こちらは白

The background is a construction fence 建設現場のフェンス前

I mistook ornithogalum umbellatum or star-of-Bethlehem for springstar last year, so I'm happy to finally be able to see a real springstar!

If I had to rate flowers, I would do so based on three criteria, i.e., color, shape and smell, and based on these three, springstar would get two stars because the color and shape are both perfect, but the smell is not good as its Japanese name "Flower Chinese chive" suggests. But don't worry. It doesn't smell unless the leaves are ripped or torn😅        

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