Taraxacum (Dandelion) - Are They Native or Invasive? タンポポ - 在来?外来?  

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is taraxacum or commonly dandelion. Spring has come!!

Taraxacum タンポポ

Dandelion 蒲公英

Japanese native dandelions are shorter than invasive ones

Every dandelion is a shorty みんなちっちゃい!

When I was a kid, dandelions were everywhere, and they were all about 5 cm tall, but the dandelions I saw yesterday seemed to have no stems, being just about 2 cm tall. Are they both dandelions? And if so, are they different species? I googled and found two things: (1) Japanese native dandelions have shorter stems than invasive dandelions, and (2) dandelions flowering in March are shorter to survive the cold weather. So, the dandelions I saw yesterday are shorter because they are Japanese native or to survive winter... I don't know which is true, but either way, their yellow color told me that spring had come!!😉

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タンポポです。随分久しぶりです。そしてあれっ? 全部地面にへばりついているけど、子供の頃見たタンポポってもっと背が高かったような気が。。。

調べました。そして分かったことは2つ! (1) 日本タンポポは西洋タンポポより背が低いらしい。(2) 3月頃咲くタンポポは寒さ対策で背が低いらしい。どちらが正解かは分かりませんでしたが、いずれにせよ、黄色がとっても可愛いので日本人でも外国人でも(タンポポですが😁)構いません!😉

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