A flying crow always catches something and so do I. While on a walk in my neighborhood at the weekend, I found this Okame cherry tree, which was in full bloom! I thought at first it was a Kawazu cherry tree. The Kawazu and the Okame cherry trees resemble each other, i.e., blooming earlier with more pink blossoms than other cherry threes but the Okame cherry petals are a little smaller than Kawazu's.
Spring weather is unstable. It was like spring in Tokyo when I took these photos two days ago but rained and snowed yesterday. Most of these blossoms must have fallen.
The Okame cherry is created by Collingwood Ingram, a British authority on Japanese cherry trees.
2025/3/2 |
2025/3/2 |
2022/3/22 |
2022/3/22 |
2022/3/22 |
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犬も歩けば棒に当たる。私は歩いていたらお亀桜に当たりました!。最初、河津桜と思って近づいたら木札に「お亀桜」 やった~!河津桜もお亀桜も早咲きで色が少し濃いのですが、お亀の方が河津より花びらが少し小さいです。
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