The Boiling Frog Theory ゆでガエル理論

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

One day Keiko got a call from one of her friends, Sachiko. Sachiko has been working for a company as some kind of specialist for the last ten years. Sachiko said that she had received a letter to ask her to sign an agreement to move to another group company.

According to Sachiko, signing the agreement means a "slow death" because the group company to which she has been told to move no longer needs full time specialists and so there is no doubt that she will be pressured to leave that group company maybe not soon, but definitely in a few years. On the other hand, refusing to sign the agreement may mean a "quick death," i.e., although being able to stay at the current company, she will be under strong pressure to leave the company immediately.

Her current company is going through restructuring. The reorganization started two years ago and is expected to continue for the next 18 months, but Sachiko thought that her job was out of the scope of downsizing. She has been working hard, passed relevant exams and managed her team efficiently and effectively.

Sachiko does not want to become a part-timer. In Japan, there is no job security for part-timers and their pay is significantly lower than that for full-time regular workers doing the same job. With about 40% of the current workforce in Japan consisting of part-timers, this is a big social issue. A class action lawsuit has been filed by part-timers to demand "same pay for same work."

Also, if you are in your over 40s, finding a new job is not easy. Japanese employers prefer "naivety" to maturity, i.e., prefer those in their 20s or 30s to experienced workers.

Sachiko has to make a decision in a few days. Keiko did not know what to say, but knew that Sachiko would choose a quick death because she had revived from a similar situation almost 25 years ago.

The only thing Keiko can do for Sachiko is to listen. Keiko knows that this could happen to anyone and that Sachiko may be Keiko in ten years.








Letter to Father No.1 - Thanks Mosquito 父への手紙1-蚊

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Keiko was not married and still lived with her parents. Her father had retired and finally started to do some household chores for the first time in his life. The incident happened when they heard mosquito buzzing in their ears while folding clothes side by side without conversation.

"Dad, is it a mosquito?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Let it bite you."

Reason for Starting Blog - De-Imprinting  ブログを始めた理由-脱刷り込み

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

She doesn't remember when she started to feel uncomfortable to see her parents. As far as she remembers, it's been always like this and she might just be unaware of it because unconsciously she didn't admit that she was a “loser” according to their values. Their values are; men are superior to women; the younger and prettier women are, the more valuable they are; women should not be talkative or assertive; women must be responsible for doing household chores; people should get married and have children; family comes first; don’t marry a black or a Korean……

Rose-Gold Pussy Willow (Salix Gracilistyla) ネコヤナギ(猫柳)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've heard of the plant many times but actually saw one for the first time. This is a rose-gold pussy willow (Salix graci...