A Tip on Translation - Add Value! 翻訳のこつ - 付加価値

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I'm writing this post to keep a record of my translation experience. Please read the following two sentences: 

(1) I will email you about the following, which you already know:
(2) I am writing to you to make you aware of the following just in case there is any misunderstanding: 

These two sentences were translated from the following same Japanese text:

(1) is Google Translate's translation, while (2) is mine. This is the beginning of a  business email. Which would you choose? 

When asked by someone to translate business emails written in Japanese into English, I try to interpret the source text and convert it to something equivalent in English. I don't do word-for-word translation. Only few, who are Japanese and fluently speak English and can do translation themselves, but ask me to translate for them, appreciate this my small "effort." I always want to add value to my translation. That's the only way for me to survive.     



(1) I will email you about the following, which you already know:
(2) I am writing to you to make you aware of the following just in case there is any misunderstanding: 

メールの冒頭部分です。(1)はGoogle 翻訳、(2)が私の訳。まあ意味分かるからどっちでもいいし、どちらがいいかはユーザーが決めるわけですが、この機械翻訳の時代、ビジネス文書の翻訳をする際には、何かしらの付加価値を提供したいと日々努力しております。AIにできないことしないとね!

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