Qing Dynasty Sculptures 清朝の俏色工芸

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These four Chinese sculptures below were all carved in the Qing dynasty period, from stones while maximizing their original colors. They are called "俏色 (shoshoku) sculptures" in Japan.

The one in the first photo is an incense burner in the 19th century, carved from jade.

Incense burner in 19th century, jade, Qing dynasty 翡翠香炉

The one below is "Grapes" carved from amethyst also in the 19th century.

Grapes in 19th century, amethyst, Qing dynasty 紫水晶葡萄

And these two below are both "Pomegranate" carved from agate with inlaid ruby also in the 19th century.

Agate made pomegranate with inlaid ruby 瑪瑙石榴

Another agate made pomegranate 瑪瑙石榴

All the above four items were donated by Denbei Kamiya, a Japanese businessman (1856-1922), to Tokyo National Museum.

Japanese schools teach Japan's and western histories but with less focus on Asian history. So although Japanese people may know that the defeat of the Qing dynasty in the Opium War resulted in the colonization of China by western countries, they may not be aware that Chinese art and crafts were so developed and refined under that dynasty. Their exquisite beauty must have derived from the exploitation of ordinary people, but still enchant me.

I wrote about the second pomegranate in another post "Chinese Sculpture - Agate Pomegranate."

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東京国立博物館に行ったら前回は展示されていなかった俏色工芸を発見!上から「翡翠香炉」、「紫水晶葡萄」、「瑪瑙石榴(二つとも)」です。(二つ目の「瑪瑙石榴」についてはこちらの記事「Chinese Sculpture - Agate Pomegranate  瑪瑙石榴」もお読みください。)


もう一つ再認識したことが! 日本語ってほんとにコンパクト。だって「翡翠香炉」は英語だと「incense burner made of jade」! 二倍以上の長さです。


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