Golden Dewdrop デュランタ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Golden dewdrop
In a post about red spider lilies, I wrote that it was easy to imagine how the flower was like when hearing its name in English, but not in Japanese.

I found this beautiful purple flower also in my neighborhood. I like it, particularly its color, but didn't know the name, so looked for it on the Internet and found that it's duranta in Japanese and golden dewdrop or pigeon berry in English. Again, how easy it is to remember its English name but not the Japanese!

The Japanese name of duranta comes from its botanical name of "duranta erecta," which is boring isn't it? I'm sure I will forget the Japanese name, but not the English names.

彼岸花に続いて近所で見つけた綺麗なお花。名前が分からなくてネットで調べたら、デュランタ、英語では golden dewdrop (黄金の露の雫)、pigeon berry (鳩のベリー)ということが分かりました。彼岸花(red spider lily)に続き、英語だと覚えやすいお花です。ちなみにデュランタは学名(duranta erecta)に由来するそう。もっと気の利いた名前だと憶えやすいのにね。。。

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