Language Changes - Cooking At Home or Book Scanning? 「自炊」の意味を知りました

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Do you know what "jisui (自炊)" means? If you answer that it means cooking at home, you are correct, but in half because this term now has another meaning, "scanning books." The second meaning originates from "jibun de (de-ta wo) suiageru (absorb data oneself)." I learned this usage while reading a book written by a Japanese author in her 30s.

Languages change and the usage of terms changes over time. I knew it, but the discovery of this new usage amazed me since the main character of this story, a woman in her 20s, uses this second meaning as if it were common. I also felt a little sad because something was happening without my knowledge, making me realize that I get older, which I also knew.

I don't know why only this term is so intriguing. Is this because it's not a new word, but a new usage of an existing word? I don't know. Do you have any such words in your language?


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