Japanese Emperors Are Korean as Swedish Kings Are French 天皇は朝鮮人でスウェーデン王はフランス人

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've been reading Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind by Geert Hofstede and was amazed. In 1809, the nobles of Sweden deposed King Gustav IV, whom they considered incompetent, and invited Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, a French general who served under their enemy Napoleon, to become king of Sweden. In short, the current Swedish King is French and this has been accepted as a fact.

In Japan, on the other hand, many still believe or want to believe "bansei ikkei," i.e., the imperial line has never been broken, and that the current Emperor Akihito is the 125th emperor of such a line traced back more than 2,600 years.

They also believe or want to believe that emperors are "purely" Japanese despite that the imperial family tree of Asuka Historical Museum in Nara prefecture, where the oldest capitals of Japan were situated and the imperial system started, clearly shows that they are from Korea.

Believing in the current imperial line never being broken for more than 2,600 years and that emperors are all "pure" Japanese is so unbelievablet like believing in creationism, isn’t it? And this is more serious than it appears because it suggests that Japanese value purity more than diversity despite another fact that people have to be diverse, not pure, to be stronger and survive in this global world. Look at the end of the Hapsburg dynasty!

Interaction with others make people more flexible, stronger and even purer. No wine can be made without dregs or sediment. What do you think?

「Cultures and Organizations: Software office  the Mind(Geert Hofstede 著)」を読んでいてびっくりしました。1819年、スウェーデンの貴族は無能な王を追い出してフランスからナポレオンの部下を招聘したんです。つまり今のスウェーデン王は元を正せばフランス人だってこと。


人は交わってこそ強く、逆に純粋になれるのでは? 滓や沈殿物なしにワインは作れないと思うのですがいかがでしょう?。

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