Whispering Interpretation is a Way to Reach "Mu" ウィスパリング通訳で無の境地?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I currently translate business documents from Japanese to English and vice versa, but used to work as an in-house interpreter at a US company. There are two conventional ways of interpretation, i.e., consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting. A consecutive interpreter listens to what the speaker is saying while taking notes and translates the message verbally into another language after the speaker pauses. A simultaneous interpreter listens to what the speaker is saying while concurrently translating it into another language.

However, there is another more popular way of interpreting in this increasingly busy world, i.e., whispered interpreting.

Whispered interpreting or whispering is similar to simultaneous interpreting. An interpreter listens to what the speaker is saying while whispering the message translated in another language. However, there's a big difference between the two forms of interpreting. Simultaneous interpreters usually demand scripts while whispering interpreters not, which means users don't have to worry about script preparation for whispered interpreting.

So, simultaneous interpreters usually work at big conferences. They usually receive scripts beforehand and interpret what speakers say generally based on the scripts. On the other hand, whispering interpreters usually work on-site for businesses, sitting next to CXXs at meetings to whisper in their ear so that the meeting doesn't have to stop for interpretation. (A meeting using a consecutive interpreter takes about two times longer than otherwise.) Given a shorter time of a meeting combined with no need for script preparation, it's understandable that more businesses prefer whispered interpreting.

One another thing people often misunderstand is that anyone speaking fluently speaking English can be an interpreter/translator. This isn't true. Interpretation/translation requires two sets of skills, English skills and a deep understanding of the subject matter, and the importance of the latter is much higher than you think. The US company had many employees who, having lived or studied in the US or UK, spoke English more fluently than I did, but I was hired as a project interpreter after two interpreters being fired not because of my English skills, but my good understanding of the subject matter, i.e., financial business.

I did a lot of whispered interpreting and liked it for a reason. I could be "mu," i.e., immerse myself in the present while whispering as it requires full concentration. It has a downside, however. Not only whispering, but also the other types of interpretation is exhausting! I had flu almost every year when I was an interpreter.






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