A "Drunken" Confederate Rose and A Drunken Guy 酔芙蓉と酔っ払い


These are photos of Confederate roses (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. versicolor) taken at 10:00, 12:30, 15:30 and 16:30, and at 5:30 on the following morning. Because of such a color change from pure white in the morning to pink in the afternoon, this type of Confederate roses is called "Drunken Confederate rose" in Japan.

These Confederate roses grow at a nearby park. That day, at around 16:20, on my way to photograph them, I passed by a guy in his 30s sitting on a bench in the park and talking on the phone. I wasn't listening to him but as he was speaking so loudly that I couldn't help but overhear him saying he loved both speed and something and blah blah blah. Then on my way back home at 16:40, I passed by him again seeing him shouting on the phone, "Oh, right! You're totally correct!!!" and then drinking directly from a whiskey bottle, which made me realize that he was completely DRUNK like the "Drunken" Confederate rose in the third photo. I shouted, "YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG!!" not loud but to myself...

Taken at 10:00

At 12:30

At 15:30

Completely drunk at 16:30 完全なる酔っ払い

Hiding behind a "sober" rose at 5:30 on the following morning

At 5:30 on the following morning
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Kawazu Cherry (Cerasus x Kanzakura 'Kawazu-Zakura') カワヅサクラ(河津桜)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 Kawazu cherry trees (Cerasus x kanzakura 'Kawazu-zakura'), which were in almost full bloom a week ago, are now in ful...