Open or Closed? - Wings of Common Straight Swift 広げるの、閉じるの?イチモンジセセリの羽


Common straight swifts (Parnara guttata) usually fold wings when resting like the one in the 2nd photo but I found one with open wings today, so I've posted these four photos on this blog for comparison purposes. By the way, I always think the eyes of a common straight swift look like those of a squirrel🐿️.   

Common straight swift with open wings 羽を広げたイチモンジセセリ

Common straight swift with closed wings 羽を閉じたイチモンジセセリ

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White Spider Lily (Lycoris) 白のヒガンバナ(曼珠沙華/彼岸花)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 This is a white spider lily. I saw a pink one and a bigger one in the same family, i.e., Amaryllidaceae family , a week ago, ...