Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia Papyrifera) カジノキ(梶の木)


I was photographing fruits on a Japanese dogwood tree and then these strange shaped leaves under the tree caught my eye. These are leaves of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera). The leaves are lobed with leaf margins sharply toothed, but they can be variable, like unlobed, round or heart-shaped, which is like Dendropanax trifidus leaves, which change from a lobed to an ovate shape.

Paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) カジノキ(梶の木)

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ヤマボウシの実の写真を撮っていて目に入ったのがこの葉です。形が変。。。 カジノキ(梶の木)です。ところが一筋縄ではいきません。カジノキの葉は楕円形から広卵形、裂けたり裂けなかったりと、同じ株でもバラバラです。いろいろな形の葉を付けるカクレミノ(隠れ蓑)を思い出しました。

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Pink Japanese Stewartia (Stewartia Pseudocamellia) ピンクの夏椿(ナツツバキ)

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