Dendropanax Trifidus 隠れ蓑(カクレミノ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the fruits of dendropanax trifidus. A mass of tiny, whitish green fruits are so beautiful and cute! 

In Japan, the tree is called "invisibility cloak" because the leaf looks like Tengu's magic cloak, which makes the wearer invisible like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. Tengu are a type of mischievous yokai (supernatural beings) appearing in Japanese folklore. Imagining Harry Potter wearing Tengu's cloak made me chuckle😆

Dendropanax trifidus leaves change generally from a lobed to an ovate shape but some aren't lobed or ovate, which makes it difficult to identify the tree.  

Dendropanax trifidus 隠れ蓑

Dendropanax trifidus カクレミノ

The leaves are shaped like Tengu's invisibility cloak 葉の形が天狗の隠れ蓑に似ている

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隠れ蓑(カクレミノ)の実です。白っぽい緑がとてもきれいです。名前の由来は、葉の形が天狗の隠れ蓑に似ているから。そういえばハリー・ポッターも「invisibitliy cloak」を着てました。ハリー・ポッターが天狗の隠れ蓑を着ているのを想像したらぷっと吹いてしまいました😆 

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