Zephyranthes Candida (Autumn Zephyrlily) 玉簾(タマスダレ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Last year, I wrote about these beautiful white flowers assuming they were ornithogalum umbellatum or more commonly known as star of Bethlehem. Several days ago this year, I found the flowers again and started writing about them when a question came to my mind, i.e., does the star of Bethlehem flower in spring?

I googled and found that they're zephyranthes candida with common names including autumn zephyrlily. The six white petals with the yellow stamens are so pretty, but the star of Bethlehem and zephyrlily are so alike in terms of not only appearance but also toxicity. Both are toxic and zephyrlily's leaves and bulbs contain potentially lethal toxins😱

Autumn zephyrlily means "pure love" and "expectation."

Zephyranthes candida 玉簾

Autumn zephyrlily タマスダレ

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去年、この花を見て大甘菜(英語で「スター・オブ・ベツレヘム」)だと思い記事を書きました。今年も見つけて最初大甘菜属の花だと思ったのですが「あれっ、大甘菜って春に咲くんじゃなかったっけ?」 でもう一度調べ直しました。どうも玉簾(タマスダレ)が正解のようです。



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