Protaetia Orientalis Submarumorea 白点花潜(シロテンハナムグリ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first thought a scarab was coming from behind the lantana leaves, but the color was different. It was brown with white spots on its back. I googled and learned that it was a protaetia orientalis submarumorea.

Protaetia orientalis submarumorea are flower chafers, and the Japanese name is shiroten hanamuguri, meaning "flower chafer with white spots." Unlike green June beetles, which may cause damage to crops, flower chafers are beneficial insects😊

Protaetia orientalis submarumorea 白点花潜

Flower chafer シロテンハナムグリ

Flower chafer シロテンハナムグリ

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