Star of Bethlehem is "Sutaa Obu Betsulehemu" in Japanese😭 「スター・オブ・ベツレヘム」で許して🙇‍♀️

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Almost all flowers in my neighborhood have died from the extreme heat this summer, but this small white flower has survived.    

Star of Bethlehem 花韮?

Star of Bethlehem has several Japanese names

Star of Bethlehem

They are star of Bethlehem. It's simple in English, but it's not in Japanese because star of Bethlehem is called at least the following three names in Japan:
- "Hananira" (Ipheion uniflorum)
- "Ooamana (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
- "Hosoba ooamana (Ornithogalum orthophyllum)

Of course, I made research to find which one of these I took pictures of, but couldn't find it.... To me, the three look all the same and any of them can be this white flower. So, I have decided to call all these flowers and similar ones I may encounter from now on in Japanese just "sutaa obu betsulehemu," a Japanese pronunciation of "star of Bethlehem"🤣!

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スター・オブ・ベツレヘムです。似た花が多すぎて、見分け方が難しすぎて、和名、諦めました。だって英語だったら、花韮も、大甘菜も、細葉大甘菜もぜ~んぶ「スター・オブ・ベツレヘム」なんですもの! 誰か簡単な見分け方を教えてくださ~い🤣🙇‍♀️

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