Sontaku - We Trust You to Wear Mask... 忖度 - マスクしてね!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

On September 7, a man was removed from a flight in Japan. He refused a "request" from the airline to wear a mask, resulting in a heated argument with flight attendants.

I said "request" because Japan has no law or rule enforcing wearing masks in any place, so what the man did (i.e., choosing not to wear a mask) does not breach any law or rule. The same applies to restaurants in Central Tokyo open after 10 p.m. The Tokyo local government has requested bars and restaurants to close at 10 p.m. or before, but again it's not enforceable but just a request.

The Japanese government, central or local but in particular central, are good at sending an implicit but very effective message, "WE TRUST that the public know what is right or wrong and act accordingly." And their accomplices, i.e., the media and people who need approval from others to fill the void in their lives, speak and act as expected, ostracizing and threatening those not following the rules by using the very convenient term "futsuu," meaning "usually," but without giving any definition of what "usual or futsuu" means.

I'm not supporting this man. He exposed others to risk, but it's definitely the government and those supporting the current dysfunctional government who should be most to blame for the current mess. The government have been avoiding accountability, making the public "sontaku," i.e., surmise what they want the public to do, while the followers have been willingly to obey the government without realizing that they themselves are making the world a worse place and causing the collapse of democracy .... 

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でも一番責められるべきは「公共の場や多くの人がいる場所でのマスク着用を義務付けない」政府じゃないでしょうか。国民に忖度させてるわけでしょ。そして国民やマスコミも喜んで忖度して「普通は~」とか「常識的に~」とか言っている。。。 やることやってない政府、そしてその共犯のマスコミと支持者が一番無責任なのではないのでしょうか。


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