Snake Gourd and Bottle Gourd 蛇瓜(ヘビウリ)と瓢箪

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Wow!! It's long, isn't it? This is a snake gourd I saw at Mukojima Hykkaen Garden, Tokyo. 
Looks like a snake! 確かに蛇!

Really look like snakes...😱  ホント、へビ。。。😱

Dead snakes...? 死んだ蛇?

The summer of 2020 was all about Covid-19 and GOURD for me. I saw several types of gourds, such as bitter gourd, thread gourd, snake gourd (above), and bottle gourd (below), at Mukojima Hykkaen Garden and in my neighborhood....
Bottle gourd 瓢箪・ひさご

They are like bottles 英語の通りボトルに見える

Japanese have eaten and used gourds in various ways, stir frying, and/or making pickles of, bottle gourds, snake gourds and bitter gourds, using thread gourds as body brushes, and getting inspiration from bottle gourds for art as the shape of vases and the theme of books.... I am very happy that I was able to conclude this summer with snake🐍 and bottle🍾 gourds😃

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今年は私にとって瓜の年でした。ゴーヤ、ヘチマ、ヘビウリ、瓢箪。。。 全部ウリ、英語でも全部「○○ gourd」です。この夏をヘビウリ🐍と瓢箪で締めくくることができて嬉しい😃です!

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