Spider Lilies, Spider Swarovski🤔 赤と白の曼珠沙華と「天然スワロフスキー」🤔

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Everything that day was about spiders! These are red and white spider lilies and water droplets on a spiderweb.
Lycoris radiata 曼珠沙華

Lycoris albiflora 白曼珠沙華

Water droplets on spiderweb 蜘蛛の巣のしずく 

They're like Swarovski crystals! スワロフスキーみたい!

Red spider lily 彼岸花

White spider lily 白花彼岸花

Can you see the spiderweb? 蜘蛛の巣見えますか?

From above 上から

In Japanese, lycoris radiata or red spider lily is called "autumnal equinox flower" or "heaven or hell flower" and lycoris albiflora or white spider lily "white autumnal equinox flower" or "white heaven or hell flower." However, as I wrote in another post, a white spider lily is not the red one's sibling, but a cross-breed of the red and a yellow one (i.e., lycoris traubii). It's strange that a child of a red and yellow flowers is white, isn't it!

What surprised me more, however, was a spiderweb nearby on which many water droplets were shining like Swarovski crystals💎! They left me speechless, making me keep taking pictures...

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