Prime Minister Suga is "Uncle Pancake"! 菅首相はパンケーキおじさん!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a "pancake" I found on the ground😁 Oops sorry! This is a mushroom I found at Mukojima Hykkaen Garden, Tokyo.
A pancake with melted butter and maple syrup?

Fluffy! ふわふわ!

Looks so yummy but don't eat it!

Mukojima Hykkaen Garden was built during the Bunsei period (1804 -1830) by Temari Sawara, an antique dealer. The garden has over 230 species of plants, including shrubby bushclover, which is in full bloom late September. The garden is not so large, 2,167.36 square meters, and wild, i.e., with many naturally grown plants and flowers, some of which I can see in my neighborhood. I went to see shrubby bushcover and happened to find this pancake, oops sorry again, this mushroom!

New prime minister of Japan Yoshihide Suga has a supporting rate of over 70%. He is from Akita, a northern prefecture in Japan and known to like pancakes, succeeding in creating a friendly and kawaii perception particularly among women. Some even say he is a good person, which made me wonder how they can know that someone they have never met is a good person....😩

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パンケーキ?ではありません。向島百花園で見つけたキノコ😲です。名前は分かりません。。。🙇 向島百花園、初めて行きました。そんなに大きくなく、いい意味で野生的! とてもよかったです。 9月下旬が見ごろの萩を見に行き、このパンケーキ🙇、もといキノコを見つけたというわけです。

今パンケーキといえば菅総理。庶民的、人柄がいいとかで支持率が70%台ということですが、会ったこともないのにどうして人柄がいいと言えるんでしょう? 謎です。。。😩

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