Netsuke "Fukurokuju God" (By Seiho Azuma) 根付「福禄寿」(東声方)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is "Fukurokuju" carved from boxwood by Seiho Azuma.
"Fukurokuju," Seiho Azuma, boxwood「福禄寿(昇己 写し)」  東声方 黄楊

Fukurokuju, one of Japanese seven lucky gods, is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness and characterized by the size of his head almost as large as the size of his whole body. He has his origin in China.

The problem is that he looks exactly like another seven lucky god Jurojin, the god of the elderly and longevity in Japanese Buddhist mythology. Jurojin is based on a real person who lived in ancient times and was about six feet tall also with a very long head and a long white beard.

One Japanese website says that Fukurokuju carries a crane while Jurojin with deer, but in most cases they are by themselves without carrying anything, neither crane nor deer. The website goes on to say that Fukurokuju has an abnormally long head, but I still can't tell which is which....😭

So, I've decided not to care! I love 💛 Fukurokuju and Jurojin both!

You can see this Fukurokuju netsuke at Tokyo National Museum. If you want to see other netsuke (including Jurojin netsuke), read the following posts, too!

- Symbol of Peace? - Netsuke & Halloween
- Japanese Saying: Netsuke Titled "A-Hum"!
- Netsuke - Japanese Lovelorn Ghost Puts a Curse Saying "Urameshiya..."
- Kawaii Two-Legged Yokai Goblin Netsuke Sculpture
- Kawaii Netsuke Jedi
- Watermelon Netsuke Carving With Makie Lacquer Painting
- Netsuke - Jurojin God
- Netsuke - Dog Days
- Netsuke - Muskmelon
- Netsuke - Boss

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東声方の「福禄寿(昇己 写)」です。黄楊から彫られています。福禄寿は七福神の一人で、
- 福 幸福(特に子孫に恵まれること)
- 禄 身分・財宝(金銭に恵まれること)
- 寿 長寿

問題は、福禄寿と寿老人の区別がつかないこと。私だけかと思いきや、そうでもないよう(笑)。ネットで、福禄寿は鶴を、寿老人は鹿をつれているという見分け方を見つけましたが、ほとんどの場合一人。何もつれていません😭 異常に頭の長いほうが福禄寿という情報も見ましたが、私には違いが分からない。。。 まっいいか。福禄寿、寿老人、どちらも大好き🥰


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