Two Tricyrtis and Three Samurai Lords ホトトギス2種

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are tricyrtis macropoda and tricyrtis formosana 'samurai' (maybe....😅). I saw the first one at Mukojima Hyakkaen Garden and the second in my neighborhood both in Tokyo. 

Tricyrtis macropoda ヤマホトトギス

Tricyrtis macropoda ヤマホトトギス

Tricyrtis macropoda from the side 横から

 Tricyrtis formosana タイワンホトトギス

Tricyrtis formosana タイワンホトトギス

Tricyrtis formosana from the side 横から

Many tricyrtis formosana タイワンホトトギスがいっぱい

Tricyrtis has more than a dozen of types. I am certain that the first one is tricyrtis "macropoda" because the nearby label said so, but not so sure about the other.

Both are called toad lily because they have spots looking like a toad's skin, and prefer shady, moist places like toads. But this perception is not true of Japan. The toad lily is called "lesser cuckoo" in Japan because of the spots, which look like the chest plumage of this small bird.

A lessor cuckoo is used to describe clear differences in the characteristics of three Japanese samurai lords, Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa (16th to 17th century). They are said to have said as follows when asked what they would do if a lessor cuckoo does not sing:

Nobunaga: "I will kill the cuckoo."
Hideyoshi: "I will make the cuckoo sing."
Ieyasu: "I will wait until the cuckoo sings."

So, what would you do if a cuckoo does not sing? Me? "I will take pictures of the cuckoo"😉

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