Calliandra 紅合歓(ベニゴウカン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first thought that these were bottlebrush flowers, but they are not. They are calliandra or "powder puff plant," which well describes the appearance of the pretty red flower!
Calliandra 紅合歓

Powder puff plant ベニゴウカン

Cute and pretty! 可愛くてきれい!

Speaking of a powder puff, I stopped wearing makeup around in March when starting to work from home. And it was a month later that I started to wear it again for no reason, which made me feel better😊 and realize that taking care of myself is very important!!

These red thread-like things are stamens.

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向島百花園の近くで見かけました。最初ブラシノキかと思ったのですが紅合歓(ベニゴウカン)です。英語名は「powder puff plant(化粧パフ)」!確かにこれはブラシではなくパフです。



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