Number of Spots Matters! - "Good" Ladybird or 28-Spotted Potato Ladybird... テントウムシ?ダマシ?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I found this ladybird while walking around Tokyo National Museum.
How many spots does it have? 斑点はいくつ?

28-spotted potato ladybird テントウムシダマシ

I first thought that this was a "usual" ladybird, but then remembered something. There are two types of ladybug, i.e., one is useful (for human beings!) which eats harmful insects, while the other being "harmful" because it eats agricultural crops. And this one seems a bad one...

Having said that however, looking at this orange bug with a lot of black spots and the weird scars it had made while eating the leaf on which it was sitting, nobody can dislike it😆!!

The ladybug in the photo below is a good one, I believe...

Two ladybugs on crepe myrtle seeds 

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